Function listOrganizationsOfStargazers

List organizations of stargazers List organizations of stargazers for the specified repository.

Notice: In the overall data, about 5.62% of GitHub users provided valid organization information.

Note: By default, the API does not count users without valid organization information. If you need to count these users, you can set the exclude_unknown parameter to false.

  • Type Parameters

    • ThrowOnError extends boolean = false

    Returns RequestResult<
            data: {
                columns: {
                    col: string;
                    data_type: | "CHAR"
                    | "BIGINT"
                    | "DECIMAL"
                    | "INT"
                    | "UNSIGNED BIGINT"
                    | "TINYINT"
                    | "TIMESTAMP"
                    | "TEXT"
                    | "VARCHAR"
                    | "DATETIME"
                    | "DOUBLE"
                    | "FLOAT"
                    | "DATE"
                    | "TIME"
                    | "YEAR"
                    | "MEDIUMINT"
                    | "SMALLINT"
                    | "BIT"
                    | "BINARY"
                    | "VARBINARY"
                    | "JSON"
                    | "ENUM"
                    | "SET"
                    | "TINYTEXT"
                    | "MEDIUMTEXT"
                    | "LONGTEXT"
                    | "TINYBLOB"
                    | "MEDIUMBLOB"
                    | "BLOB"
                    | "LONGBLOB";
                    nullable: boolean;
                    [key: string]: unknown;
                result: {
                    code?: number;
                    databases?: string[];
                    end_ms?: number;
                    latency?: string;
                    limit?: number;
                    message?: string;
                    row_affect?: number;
                    row_count?: number;
                    start_ms?: number;
                    [key: string]: unknown;
                rows: { org_name?: string; percentage?: string; stargazers?: string }[];
            type: "sql_endpoint";