delete?: undefinedList collections
requestBody?: undefinedOptional
head?: undefinedOptional
options?: undefinedOptional
patch?: undefinedOptional
post?: undefinedOptional
put?: undefinedOptional
trace?: undefinedOptional
delete?: undefinedRepository ranking by issues
cookie?: undefinedOptional
header?: undefinedOptional
query?: { period?: "past_28_days" | "past_month" }Optional
period?: "past_28_days" | "past_month"Optional
requestBody?: undefinedOptional
head?: undefinedOptional
options?: undefinedOptional
patch?: undefinedOptional
post?: undefinedOptional
put?: undefinedOptional
trace?: undefinedOptional
delete?: undefinedRepository ranking by prs
cookie?: undefinedOptional
header?: undefinedOptional
query?: { period?: "past_28_days" | "past_month" }Optional
period?: "past_28_days" | "past_month"Optional
requestBody?: undefinedOptional
head?: undefinedOptional
options?: undefinedOptional
patch?: undefinedOptional
post?: undefinedOptional
put?: undefinedOptional
trace?: undefinedOptional
delete?: undefinedRepository ranking by stars
cookie?: undefinedOptional
header?: undefinedOptional
query?: { period?: "past_28_days" | "past_month" }Optional
period?: "past_28_days" | "past_month"Optional
requestBody?: undefinedOptional
head?: undefinedOptional
options?: undefinedOptional
patch?: undefinedOptional
post?: undefinedOptional
put?: undefinedOptional
trace?: undefinedOptional
delete?: undefinedList collection repositories
cookie?: undefinedOptional
header?: undefinedOptional
query?: undefinedOptional
requestBody?: undefinedOptional
head?: undefinedOptional
options?: undefinedOptional
patch?: undefinedOptional
post?: undefinedOptional
put?: undefinedOptional
trace?: undefinedOptional
delete?: undefinedList hot collections
requestBody?: undefinedOptional
head?: undefinedOptional
options?: undefinedOptional
patch?: undefinedOptional
post?: undefinedOptional
put?: undefinedOptional
trace?: undefinedOptional
delete?: undefinedList issue creators
cookie?: undefinedOptional
header?: undefinedOptional
query?: {Optional
exclude_bots?: booleanOptional
page?: numberOptional
page_size?: numberOptional
sort?: Optional
requestBody?: undefinedOptional
head?: undefinedOptional
options?: undefinedOptional
patch?: undefinedOptional
post?: undefinedOptional
put?: undefinedOptional
trace?: undefinedOptional
delete?: undefinedList countries/regions of issue creators
List countries/regions of stargazers for the specified repository.
> **Notice**:
> In the overall data, about **3.5%** of GitHub users provided valid country/region information.
> **Note**:
> By default, the API does not count users without valid country/region information.
> If you need to count these users, you can set the `exclude_unknown` parameter to `false`.
cookie?: undefinedOptional
header?: undefinedOptional
query?: { exclude_unknown?: boolean; from?: string; to?: string }Optional
exclude_unknown?: booleanOptional
from?: stringOptional
to?: stringOptional
requestBody?: undefinedOptional
head?: undefinedOptional
options?: undefinedOptional
patch?: undefinedOptional
post?: undefinedOptional
put?: undefinedOptional
trace?: undefinedOptional
delete?: undefinedIssue creators history
cookie?: undefinedOptional
header?: undefinedOptional
query?: { from?: string; per?: "day" | "week" | "month"; to?: string }Optional
from?: stringOptional
per?: "day" | "week" | "month"Optional
to?: stringOptional
requestBody?: undefinedOptional
head?: undefinedOptional
options?: undefinedOptional
patch?: undefinedOptional
post?: undefinedOptional
put?: undefinedOptional
trace?: undefinedOptional
delete?: undefinedList organizations of stargazers
List organizations of stargazers for the specified repository.
> **Notice**:
> In the overall data, about **5.62%** of GitHub users provided valid organization information.
> **Note**:
> By default, the API does not count users without valid organization information.
> If you need to count these users, you can set the `exclude_unknown` parameter to `false`.
cookie?: undefinedOptional
header?: undefinedOptional
query?: { exclude_unknown?: boolean; from?: string; to?: string }Optional
exclude_unknown?: booleanOptional
from?: stringOptional
to?: stringOptional
requestBody?: undefinedOptional
head?: undefinedOptional
options?: undefinedOptional
patch?: undefinedOptional
post?: undefinedOptional
put?: undefinedOptional
trace?: undefinedOptional
delete?: undefinedList pull request creators
Querying the pull request creators list in a given repository.
This API provides multiple ways to sort the query results, for example:
- `sort=prs-desc` (Default): Sorted in descending order based on `prs` field (the number of PRs they have contributed), meaning that the contributor with the most PRs is at the top.
- `sort=first_pr_merged_at-desc`: Sorted in descending order based on `first_pr_merged_at` field (the time of their first merged PR), which means you can got a list of new code contributors of the repository.
cookie?: undefinedOptional
header?: undefinedOptional
query?: {Optional
exclude_bots?: booleanOptional
page?: numberOptional
page_size?: numberOptional
sort?: Optional
requestBody?: undefinedOptional
head?: undefinedOptional
options?: undefinedOptional
patch?: undefinedOptional
post?: undefinedOptional
put?: undefinedOptional
trace?: undefinedOptional
delete?: undefinedList countries/regions of PR creators
List countries/regions of pull request creators for the specified repository.
> **Notice**:
> In the overall data, about **3.5%** of GitHub users provided valid country/region information.
> **Note**:
> By default, the API does not count users without valid country/region information.
> If you need to count these users, you can set the `exclude_unknown` parameter to `false`.
cookie?: undefinedOptional
header?: undefinedOptional
query?: { exclude_unknown?: boolean; from?: string; to?: string }Optional
exclude_unknown?: booleanOptional
from?: stringOptional
to?: stringOptional
requestBody?: undefinedOptional
head?: undefinedOptional
options?: undefinedOptional
patch?: undefinedOptional
post?: undefinedOptional
put?: undefinedOptional
trace?: undefinedOptional
delete?: undefinedPull request creators history
cookie?: undefinedOptional
header?: undefinedOptional
query?: { from?: string; per?: "day" | "week" | "month"; to?: string }Optional
from?: stringOptional
per?: "day" | "week" | "month"Optional
to?: stringOptional
requestBody?: undefinedOptional
head?: undefinedOptional
options?: undefinedOptional
patch?: undefinedOptional
post?: undefinedOptional
put?: undefinedOptional
trace?: undefinedOptional
delete?: undefinedList organizations of PR creators
List organizations of pull request creators for the specified repository.
> **Notice**:
> In the overall data, about **5.62%** of GitHub users has valid organization information.
> **Note**:
> By default, the API does not count users without valid organization information.
> If you need to count these users, you can set the `exclude_unknown` parameter to `false`.
cookie?: undefinedOptional
header?: undefinedOptional
query?: { exclude_unknown?: boolean; from?: string; to?: string }Optional
exclude_unknown?: booleanOptional
from?: stringOptional
to?: stringOptional
requestBody?: undefinedOptional
head?: undefinedOptional
options?: undefinedOptional
patch?: undefinedOptional
post?: undefinedOptional
put?: undefinedOptional
trace?: undefinedOptional
delete?: undefinedList countries/regions of stargazers
List countries/regions of stargazers for the specified repository.
> **Notice**:
> In the overall data, about **3.5%** of GitHub users provided valid country/region information.
> **Note**:
> By default, the API does not count users without valid country/region information.
> If you need to count these users, you can set the `exclude_unknown` parameter to `false`.
cookie?: undefinedOptional
header?: undefinedOptional
query?: { exclude_unknown?: boolean; from?: string; to?: string }Optional
exclude_unknown?: booleanOptional
from?: stringOptional
to?: stringOptional
requestBody?: undefinedOptional
head?: undefinedOptional
options?: undefinedOptional
patch?: undefinedOptional
post?: undefinedOptional
put?: undefinedOptional
trace?: undefinedOptional
delete?: undefinedStargazers history
cookie?: undefinedOptional
header?: undefinedOptional
query?: { from?: string; per?: "day" | "week" | "month"; to?: string }Optional
from?: stringOptional
per?: "day" | "week" | "month"Optional
to?: stringOptional
requestBody?: undefinedOptional
head?: undefinedOptional
options?: undefinedOptional
patch?: undefinedOptional
post?: undefinedOptional
put?: undefinedOptional
trace?: undefinedOptional
delete?: undefinedList organizations of stargazers
List organizations of stargazers for the specified repository.
> **Notice**:
> In the overall data, about **5.62%** of GitHub users provided valid organization information.
> **Note**:
> By default, the API does not count users without valid organization information.
> If you need to count these users, you can set the `exclude_unknown` parameter to `false`.
cookie?: undefinedOptional
header?: undefinedOptional
query?: { exclude_unknown?: boolean; from?: string; to?: string }Optional
exclude_unknown?: booleanOptional
from?: stringOptional
to?: stringOptional
requestBody?: undefinedOptional
head?: undefinedOptional
options?: undefinedOptional
patch?: undefinedOptional
post?: undefinedOptional
put?: undefinedOptional
trace?: undefinedOptional
delete?: undefinedList trending repos
Trending repos is an open source alternative to GitHub trends, which showcases recently popular open source projects in the GitHub community.
> **Note**
> Please URI encode the requested parameters, e.g. `C++` needs to be encoded as `C%2B%2B`.
☁️ Daily run on [TiDB Cloud](https://tidbcloud.com/?utm_source=ossinsight&utm_medium=ossinsight_api), analyze upon dataset that has over 6 billion GitHub events.
cookie?: undefinedOptional
header?: undefinedOptional
path?: undefinedOptional
query?: {Optional
language?: Optional
period?: "past_month" | "past_24_hours" | "past_week" | "past_3_months"Optional
requestBody?: undefinedOptional
head?: undefinedOptional
options?: undefinedOptional
patch?: undefinedOptional
post?: undefinedOptional
put?: undefinedOptional
trace?: undefined
This file was auto-generated by openapi-typescript. Do not make direct changes to the file.