api: ZodiosInstance<
            alias: "list-collections";
            description: "List collections.";
            method: "get";
            path: "/collections/";
            requestFormat: "json";
            response: ZodObject<
                    data: ZodObject<
                            columns: ZodArray<
                                        col: ZodString;
                                        data_type: ZodEnum<(...)>;
                                        nullable: ZodBoolean;
                                        { col: ...; data_type: ...; nullable: ... },
                                        { col: ...; data_type: ...; nullable: ... },
                            result: ZodObject<
                                    code: ZodOptional<ZodNumber>;
                                    databases: ZodOptional<ZodArray<(...)>>;
                                    end_ms: ZodOptional<ZodNumber>;
                                    latency: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
                                    limit: ZodOptional<ZodNumber>;
                                    message: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
                                    row_affect: ZodOptional<ZodNumber>;
                                    row_count: ZodOptional<ZodNumber>;
                                    start_ms: ZodOptional<ZodNumber>;
                                        code: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        databases: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        end_ms: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        latency: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        limit: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        message: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        row_affect: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        row_count: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        start_ms: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        code: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        databases: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        end_ms: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        latency: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        limit: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        message: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        row_affect: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        row_count: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        start_ms: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                            rows: ZodArray<
                                    { repo_id: ZodOptional<(...)>; repo_name: ZodOptional<(...)> },
                                        { repo_id: ...; repo_name: ... },
                                        { repo_id: ...; repo_name: ... },
                                columns: ZodArray<
                                        { col: ...; data_type: ...; nullable: ... },
                                        objectOutputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                        objectInputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                result: ZodObject<
                                        code: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        databases: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        end_ms: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        latency: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        limit: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        message: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        row_affect: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        row_count: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        start_ms: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                            code: ...;
                                            databases: ...;
                                            end_ms: ...;
                                            latency: ...;
                                            limit: ...;
                                            message: ...;
                                            row_affect: ...;
                                            row_count: ...;
                                            start_ms: ...;
                                            code: ...;
                                            databases: ...;
                                            end_ms: ...;
                                            latency: ...;
                                            limit: ...;
                                            message: ...;
                                            row_affect: ...;
                                            row_count: ...;
                                            start_ms: ...;
                                rows: ZodArray<
                                        { repo_id: ...; repo_name: ... },
                                        objectOutputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                        objectInputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                columns: ZodArray<
                                        { col: ...; data_type: ...; nullable: ... },
                                        objectOutputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                        objectInputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                result: ZodObject<
                                        code: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        databases: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        end_ms: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        latency: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        limit: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        message: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        row_affect: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        row_count: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        start_ms: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                            code: ...;
                                            databases: ...;
                                            end_ms: ...;
                                            latency: ...;
                                            limit: ...;
                                            message: ...;
                                            row_affect: ...;
                                            row_count: ...;
                                            start_ms: ...;
                                            code: ...;
                                            databases: ...;
                                            end_ms: ...;
                                            latency: ...;
                                            limit: ...;
                                            message: ...;
                                            row_affect: ...;
                                            row_count: ...;
                                            start_ms: ...;
                                rows: ZodArray<
                                        { repo_id: ...; repo_name: ... },
                                        objectOutputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                        objectInputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                    type: ZodLiteral<"sql_endpoint">;
                        data: ZodObject<
                                columns: ZodArray<
                                        { col: ...; data_type: ...; nullable: ... },
                                        objectOutputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                        objectInputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                result: ZodObject<
                                        code: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        databases: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        end_ms: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        latency: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        limit: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        message: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        row_affect: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        row_count: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        start_ms: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                            code: ...;
                                            databases: ...;
                                            end_ms: ...;
                                            latency: ...;
                                            limit: ...;
                                            message: ...;
                                            row_affect: ...;
                                            row_count: ...;
                                            start_ms: ...;
                                            code: ...;
                                            databases: ...;
                                            end_ms: ...;
                                            latency: ...;
                                            limit: ...;
                                            message: ...;
                                            row_affect: ...;
                                            row_count: ...;
                                            start_ms: ...;
                                rows: ZodArray<
                                        { repo_id: ...; repo_name: ... },
                                        objectOutputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                        objectInputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                    columns: ZodArray<ZodObject<(...), (...), (...), (...)>>;
                                    result: ZodObject<
                                            code: ...;
                                            databases: ...;
                                            end_ms: ...;
                                            latency: ...;
                                            limit: ...;
                                            message: ...;
                                            row_affect: ...;
                                            row_count: ...;
                                            start_ms: ...;
                                        objectOutputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                        objectInputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                    rows: ZodArray<ZodObject<(...), (...), (...), (...)>>;
                                    columns: ZodArray<ZodObject<(...), (...), (...), (...)>>;
                                    result: ZodObject<
                                            code: ...;
                                            databases: ...;
                                            end_ms: ...;
                                            latency: ...;
                                            limit: ...;
                                            message: ...;
                                            row_affect: ...;
                                            row_count: ...;
                                            start_ms: ...;
                                        objectOutputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                        objectInputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                    rows: ZodArray<ZodObject<(...), (...), (...), (...)>>;
                        type: ZodLiteral<"sql_endpoint">;
                        data: ZodObject<
                                columns: ZodArray<
                                        { col: ...; data_type: ...; nullable: ... },
                                        objectOutputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                        objectInputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                result: ZodObject<
                                        code: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        databases: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        end_ms: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        latency: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        limit: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        message: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        row_affect: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        row_count: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        start_ms: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                            code: ...;
                                            databases: ...;
                                            end_ms: ...;
                                            latency: ...;
                                            limit: ...;
                                            message: ...;
                                            row_affect: ...;
                                            row_count: ...;
                                            start_ms: ...;
                                            code: ...;
                                            databases: ...;
                                            end_ms: ...;
                                            latency: ...;
                                            limit: ...;
                                            message: ...;
                                            row_affect: ...;
                                            row_count: ...;
                                            start_ms: ...;
                                rows: ZodArray<
                                        { repo_id: ...; repo_name: ... },
                                        objectOutputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                        objectInputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                    columns: ZodArray<ZodObject<(...), (...), (...), (...)>>;
                                    result: ZodObject<
                                            code: ...;
                                            databases: ...;
                                            end_ms: ...;
                                            latency: ...;
                                            limit: ...;
                                            message: ...;
                                            row_affect: ...;
                                            row_count: ...;
                                            start_ms: ...;
                                        objectOutputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                        objectInputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                    rows: ZodArray<ZodObject<(...), (...), (...), (...)>>;
                                    columns: ZodArray<ZodObject<(...), (...), (...), (...)>>;
                                    result: ZodObject<
                                            code: ...;
                                            databases: ...;
                                            end_ms: ...;
                                            latency: ...;
                                            limit: ...;
                                            message: ...;
                                            row_affect: ...;
                                            row_count: ...;
                                            start_ms: ...;
                                        objectOutputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                        objectInputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                    rows: ZodArray<ZodObject<(...), (...), (...), (...)>>;
                        type: ZodLiteral<"sql_endpoint">;
            alias: "collection-repo-ranking-by-issues";
            description: "Rank the GitHub repositories in the specified collection according to the number of issues.";
            method: "get";
            parameters: [
                    name: "period";
                    schema: ZodDefault<
                        ZodOptional<ZodEnum<["past_28_days", "past_month"]>>,
                    type: "Query";
                { name: "collection_id"; schema: ZodNumber; type: "Path" },
            path: "/collections/:collection_id/ranking_by_issues/";
            requestFormat: "json";
            response: ZodObject<
                    data: ZodObject<
                            columns: ZodArray<
                                        col: ZodString;
                                        data_type: ZodEnum<(...)>;
                                        nullable: ZodBoolean;
                                        { col: ...; data_type: ...; nullable: ... },
                                        { col: ...; data_type: ...; nullable: ... },
                            result: ZodObject<
                                    code: ZodOptional<ZodNumber>;
                                    databases: ZodOptional<ZodArray<(...)>>;
                                    end_ms: ZodOptional<ZodNumber>;
                                    latency: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
                                    limit: ZodOptional<ZodNumber>;
                                    message: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
                                    row_affect: ZodOptional<ZodNumber>;
                                    row_count: ZodOptional<ZodNumber>;
                                    start_ms: ZodOptional<ZodNumber>;
                                        code: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        databases: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        end_ms: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        latency: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        limit: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        message: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        row_affect: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        row_count: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        start_ms: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        code: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        databases: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        end_ms: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        latency: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        limit: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        message: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        row_affect: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        row_count: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        start_ms: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                            rows: ZodArray<
                                        current_period_growth: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        growth_pop: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        past_period_growth: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        rank_pop: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        repo_id: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        repo_name: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        total: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                            current_period_growth: ...;
                                            growth_pop: ...;
                                            past_period_growth: ...;
                                            rank_pop: ...;
                                            repo_id: ...;
                                            repo_name: ...;
                                            total: ...;
                                            current_period_growth: ...;
                                            growth_pop: ...;
                                            past_period_growth: ...;
                                            rank_pop: ...;
                                            repo_id: ...;
                                            repo_name: ...;
                                            total: ...;
                                columns: ZodArray<
                                        { col: ...; data_type: ...; nullable: ... },
                                        objectOutputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                        objectInputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                result: ZodObject<
                                        code: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        databases: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        end_ms: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        latency: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        limit: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        message: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        row_affect: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        row_count: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        start_ms: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                            code: ...;
                                            databases: ...;
                                            end_ms: ...;
                                            latency: ...;
                                            limit: ...;
                                            message: ...;
                                            row_affect: ...;
                                            row_count: ...;
                                            start_ms: ...;
                                            code: ...;
                                            databases: ...;
                                            end_ms: ...;
                                            latency: ...;
                                            limit: ...;
                                            message: ...;
                                            row_affect: ...;
                                            row_count: ...;
                                            start_ms: ...;
                                rows: ZodArray<
                                            current_period_growth: ...;
                                            growth_pop: ...;
                                            past_period_growth: ...;
                                            rank_pop: ...;
                                            repo_id: ...;
                                            repo_name: ...;
                                            total: ...;
                                        objectOutputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                        objectInputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                columns: ZodArray<
                                        { col: ...; data_type: ...; nullable: ... },
                                        objectOutputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                        objectInputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                result: ZodObject<
                                        code: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        databases: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        end_ms: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        latency: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        limit: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        message: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        row_affect: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        row_count: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        start_ms: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                            code: ...;
                                            databases: ...;
                                            end_ms: ...;
                                            latency: ...;
                                            limit: ...;
                                            message: ...;
                                            row_affect: ...;
                                            row_count: ...;
                                            start_ms: ...;
                                            code: ...;
                                            databases: ...;
                                            end_ms: ...;
                                            latency: ...;
                                            limit: ...;
                                            message: ...;
                                            row_affect: ...;
                                            row_count: ...;
                                            start_ms: ...;
                                rows: ZodArray<
                                            current_period_growth: ...;
                                            growth_pop: ...;
                                            past_period_growth: ...;
                                            rank_pop: ...;
                                            repo_id: ...;
                                            repo_name: ...;
                                            total: ...;
                                        objectOutputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                        objectInputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                    type: ZodLiteral<"sql_endpoint">;
                        data: ZodObject<
                                columns: ZodArray<
                                        { col: ...; data_type: ...; nullable: ... },
                                        objectOutputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                        objectInputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                result: ZodObject<
                                        code: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        databases: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        end_ms: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        latency: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        limit: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        message: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        row_affect: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        row_count: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        start_ms: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                            code: ...;
                                            databases: ...;
                                            end_ms: ...;
                                            latency: ...;
                                            limit: ...;
                                            message: ...;
                                            row_affect: ...;
                                            row_count: ...;
                                            start_ms: ...;
                                            code: ...;
                                            databases: ...;
                                            end_ms: ...;
                                            latency: ...;
                                            limit: ...;
                                            message: ...;
                                            row_affect: ...;
                                            row_count: ...;
                                            start_ms: ...;
                                rows: ZodArray<
                                            current_period_growth: ...;
                                            growth_pop: ...;
                                            past_period_growth: ...;
                                            rank_pop: ...;
                                            repo_id: ...;
                                            repo_name: ...;
                                            total: ...;
                                        objectOutputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                        objectInputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                    columns: ZodArray<ZodObject<(...), (...), (...), (...)>>;
                                    result: ZodObject<
                                            code: ...;
                                            databases: ...;
                                            end_ms: ...;
                                            latency: ...;
                                            limit: ...;
                                            message: ...;
                                            row_affect: ...;
                                            row_count: ...;
                                            start_ms: ...;
                                        objectOutputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                        objectInputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                    rows: ZodArray<ZodObject<(...), (...), (...), (...)>>;
                                    columns: ZodArray<ZodObject<(...), (...), (...), (...)>>;
                                    result: ZodObject<
                                            code: ...;
                                            databases: ...;
                                            end_ms: ...;
                                            latency: ...;
                                            limit: ...;
                                            message: ...;
                                            row_affect: ...;
                                            row_count: ...;
                                            start_ms: ...;
                                        objectOutputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                        objectInputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                    rows: ZodArray<ZodObject<(...), (...), (...), (...)>>;
                        type: ZodLiteral<"sql_endpoint">;
                        data: ZodObject<
                                columns: ZodArray<
                                        { col: ...; data_type: ...; nullable: ... },
                                        objectOutputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                        objectInputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                result: ZodObject<
                                        code: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        databases: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        end_ms: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        latency: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        limit: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        message: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        row_affect: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        row_count: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        start_ms: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                            code: ...;
                                            databases: ...;
                                            end_ms: ...;
                                            latency: ...;
                                            limit: ...;
                                            message: ...;
                                            row_affect: ...;
                                            row_count: ...;
                                            start_ms: ...;
                                            code: ...;
                                            databases: ...;
                                            end_ms: ...;
                                            latency: ...;
                                            limit: ...;
                                            message: ...;
                                            row_affect: ...;
                                            row_count: ...;
                                            start_ms: ...;
                                rows: ZodArray<
                                            current_period_growth: ...;
                                            growth_pop: ...;
                                            past_period_growth: ...;
                                            rank_pop: ...;
                                            repo_id: ...;
                                            repo_name: ...;
                                            total: ...;
                                        objectOutputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                        objectInputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                    columns: ZodArray<ZodObject<(...), (...), (...), (...)>>;
                                    result: ZodObject<
                                            code: ...;
                                            databases: ...;
                                            end_ms: ...;
                                            latency: ...;
                                            limit: ...;
                                            message: ...;
                                            row_affect: ...;
                                            row_count: ...;
                                            start_ms: ...;
                                        objectOutputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                        objectInputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                    rows: ZodArray<ZodObject<(...), (...), (...), (...)>>;
                                    columns: ZodArray<ZodObject<(...), (...), (...), (...)>>;
                                    result: ZodObject<
                                            code: ...;
                                            databases: ...;
                                            end_ms: ...;
                                            latency: ...;
                                            limit: ...;
                                            message: ...;
                                            row_affect: ...;
                                            row_count: ...;
                                            start_ms: ...;
                                        objectOutputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                        objectInputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                    rows: ZodArray<ZodObject<(...), (...), (...), (...)>>;
                        type: ZodLiteral<"sql_endpoint">;
            alias: "collection-repo-ranking-by-prs";
            description: "Rank the GitHub repositories in the specified collection according to the number of pull requests.";
            method: "get";
            parameters: [
                    name: "period";
                    schema: ZodDefault<
                        ZodOptional<ZodEnum<["past_28_days", "past_month"]>>,
                    type: "Query";
                { name: "collection_id"; schema: ZodNumber; type: "Path" },
            path: "/collections/:collection_id/ranking_by_prs/";
            requestFormat: "json";
            response: ZodObject<
                    data: ZodObject<
                            columns: ZodArray<
                                        col: ZodString;
                                        data_type: ZodEnum<(...)>;
                                        nullable: ZodBoolean;
                                        { col: ...; data_type: ...; nullable: ... },
                                        { col: ...; data_type: ...; nullable: ... },
                            result: ZodObject<
                                    code: ZodOptional<ZodNumber>;
                                    databases: ZodOptional<ZodArray<(...)>>;
                                    end_ms: ZodOptional<ZodNumber>;
                                    latency: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
                                    limit: ZodOptional<ZodNumber>;
                                    message: ZodOptional<ZodString>;
                                    row_affect: ZodOptional<ZodNumber>;
                                    row_count: ZodOptional<ZodNumber>;
                                    start_ms: ZodOptional<ZodNumber>;
                                        code: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        databases: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        end_ms: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        latency: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        limit: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        message: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        row_affect: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        row_count: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        start_ms: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        code: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        databases: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        end_ms: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        latency: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        limit: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        message: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        row_affect: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        row_count: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        start_ms: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                            rows: ZodArray<
                                        current_period_growth: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        growth_pop: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        past_period_growth: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        rank_pop: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        repo_id: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        repo_name: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        total: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                            current_period_growth: ...;
                                            growth_pop: ...;
                                            past_period_growth: ...;
                                            rank_pop: ...;
                                            repo_id: ...;
                                            repo_name: ...;
                                            total: ...;
                                            current_period_growth: ...;
                                            growth_pop: ...;
                                            past_period_growth: ...;
                                            rank_pop: ...;
                                            repo_id: ...;
                                            repo_name: ...;
                                            total: ...;
                                columns: ZodArray<
                                        { col: ...; data_type: ...; nullable: ... },
                                        objectOutputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                        objectInputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                result: ZodObject<
                                        code: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        databases: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        end_ms: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        latency: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        limit: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        message: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        row_affect: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        row_count: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        start_ms: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                            code: ...;
                                            databases: ...;
                                            end_ms: ...;
                                            latency: ...;
                                            limit: ...;
                                            message: ...;
                                            row_affect: ...;
                                            row_count: ...;
                                            start_ms: ...;
                                            code: ...;
                                            databases: ...;
                                            end_ms: ...;
                                            latency: ...;
                                            limit: ...;
                                            message: ...;
                                            row_affect: ...;
                                            row_count: ...;
                                            start_ms: ...;
                                rows: ZodArray<
                                            current_period_growth: ...;
                                            growth_pop: ...;
                                            past_period_growth: ...;
                                            rank_pop: ...;
                                            repo_id: ...;
                                            repo_name: ...;
                                            total: ...;
                                        objectOutputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                        objectInputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                columns: ZodArray<
                                        { col: ...; data_type: ...; nullable: ... },
                                        objectOutputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                        objectInputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                result: ZodObject<
                                        code: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        databases: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        end_ms: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        latency: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        limit: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        message: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        row_affect: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        row_count: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        start_ms: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                            code: ...;
                                            databases: ...;
                                            end_ms: ...;
                                            latency: ...;
                                            limit: ...;
                                            message: ...;
                                            row_affect: ...;
                                            row_count: ...;
                                            start_ms: ...;
                                            code: ...;
                                            databases: ...;
                                            end_ms: ...;
                                            latency: ...;
                                            limit: ...;
                                            message: ...;
                                            row_affect: ...;
                                            row_count: ...;
                                            start_ms: ...;
                                rows: ZodArray<
                                            current_period_growth: ...;
                                            growth_pop: ...;
                                            past_period_growth: ...;
                                            rank_pop: ...;
                                            repo_id: ...;
                                            repo_name: ...;
                                            total: ...;
                                        objectOutputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                        objectInputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                    type: ZodLiteral<"sql_endpoint">;
                        data: ZodObject<
                                columns: ZodArray<
                                        { col: ...; data_type: ...; nullable: ... },
                                        objectOutputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                        objectInputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                result: ZodObject<
                                        code: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        databases: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        end_ms: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        latency: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        limit: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        message: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        row_affect: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        row_count: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        start_ms: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                            code: ...;
                                            databases: ...;
                                            end_ms: ...;
                                            latency: ...;
                                            limit: ...;
                                            message: ...;
                                            row_affect: ...;
                                            row_count: ...;
                                            start_ms: ...;
                                            code: ...;
                                            databases: ...;
                                            end_ms: ...;
                                            latency: ...;
                                            limit: ...;
                                            message: ...;
                                            row_affect: ...;
                                            row_count: ...;
                                            start_ms: ...;
                                rows: ZodArray<
                                            current_period_growth: ...;
                                            growth_pop: ...;
                                            past_period_growth: ...;
                                            rank_pop: ...;
                                            repo_id: ...;
                                            repo_name: ...;
                                            total: ...;
                                        objectOutputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                        objectInputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                    columns: ZodArray<ZodObject<(...), (...), (...), (...)>>;
                                    result: ZodObject<
                                            code: ...;
                                            databases: ...;
                                            end_ms: ...;
                                            latency: ...;
                                            limit: ...;
                                            message: ...;
                                            row_affect: ...;
                                            row_count: ...;
                                            start_ms: ...;
                                        objectOutputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                        objectInputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                    rows: ZodArray<ZodObject<(...), (...), (...), (...)>>;
                                    columns: ZodArray<ZodObject<(...), (...), (...), (...)>>;
                                    result: ZodObject<
                                            code: ...;
                                            databases: ...;
                                            end_ms: ...;
                                            latency: ...;
                                            limit: ...;
                                            message: ...;
                                            row_affect: ...;
                                            row_count: ...;
                                            start_ms: ...;
                                        objectOutputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                        objectInputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                    rows: ZodArray<ZodObject<(...), (...), (...), (...)>>;
                        type: ZodLiteral<"sql_endpoint">;
                        data: ZodObject<
                                columns: ZodArray<
                                        { col: ...; data_type: ...; nullable: ... },
                                        objectOutputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                        objectInputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                result: ZodObject<
                                        code: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        databases: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        end_ms: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        latency: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        limit: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        message: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        row_affect: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        row_count: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                        start_ms: ZodOptional<(...)>;
                                            code: ...;
                                            databases: ...;
                                            end_ms: ...;
                                            latency: ...;
                                            limit: ...;
                                            message: ...;
                                            row_affect: ...;
                                            row_count: ...;
                                            start_ms: ...;
                                            code: ...;
                                            databases: ...;
                                            end_ms: ...;
                                            latency: ...;
                                            limit: ...;
                                            message: ...;
                                            row_affect: ...;
                                            row_count: ...;
                                            start_ms: ...;
                                rows: ZodArray<
                                            current_period_growth: ...;
                                            growth_pop: ...;
                                            past_period_growth: ...;
                                            rank_pop: ...;
                                            repo_id: ...;
                                            repo_name: ...;
                                            total: ...;
                                        objectOutputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                        objectInputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                    columns: ZodArray<ZodObject<(...), (...), (...), (...)>>;
                                    result: ZodObject<
                                            code: ...;
                                            databases: ...;
                                            end_ms: ...;
                                            latency: ...;
                                            limit: ...;
                                            message: ...;
                                            row_affect: ...;
                                            row_count: ...;
                                            start_ms: ...;
                                        objectOutputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                        objectInputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                    rows: ZodArray<ZodObject<(...), (...), (...), (...)>>;
                                    columns: ZodArray<ZodObject<(...), (...), (...), (...)>>;
                                    result: ZodObject<
                                            code: ...;
                                            databases: ...;
                                            end_ms: ...;
                                            latency: ...;
                                            limit: ...;
                                            message: ...;
                                            row_affect: ...;
                                            row_count: ...;
                                            start_ms: ...;
                                        objectOutputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                        objectInputType<(...), (...), (...)>,
                                    rows: ZodArray<ZodObject<(...), (...), (...), (...)>>;
                        type: ZodLiteral<"sql_endpoint">;
> = ...