• Opens a path or URL with the system's default app, or the one specified with openWith.

    The openWith value must be one of firefox, google chrome, chromium safari, open, start, xdg-open, gio, gnome-open, kde-open or wslview.


    • path: string

      The path or URL to open. This value is matched against the string regex defined on tauri.conf.json > plugins > shell > open, which defaults to ^((mailto:\w+)|(tel:\w+)|(https?://\w+)).+.

    • Optional openWith: string

      The app to open the file or URL with. Defaults to the system default application for the specified path type.

    Returns Promise<void>


    import { open } from '@tauri-apps/plugin-shell';
    // opens the given URL on the default browser:
    await open('https://github.com/tauri-apps/tauri');
    // opens the given URL using `firefox`:
    await open('https://github.com/tauri-apps/tauri', 'firefox');
    // opens a file using the default program:
    await open('/path/to/file');

