List trending repos Trending repos is an open source alternative to GitHub trends, which showcases recently popular open source projects in the GitHub community.


Please URI encode the requested parameters, e.g. C++ needs to be encoded as C%2B%2B.

☁️ Daily run on TiDB Cloud, analyze upon dataset that has over 6 billion GitHub events.

  • Type Parameters

    • ThrowOnError extends boolean = false


    Returns RequestResult<
            data: {
                columns: {
                    col: string;
                    data_type: | "CHAR"
                    | "BIGINT"
                    | "DECIMAL"
                    | "INT"
                    | "UNSIGNED BIGINT"
                    | "TINYINT"
                    | "TIMESTAMP"
                    | "TEXT"
                    | "VARCHAR"
                    | "DATETIME"
                    | "DOUBLE"
                    | "FLOAT"
                    | "DATE"
                    | "TIME"
                    | "YEAR"
                    | "MEDIUMINT"
                    | "SMALLINT"
                    | "BIT"
                    | "BINARY"
                    | "VARBINARY"
                    | "JSON"
                    | "ENUM"
                    | "SET"
                    | "TINYTEXT"
                    | "MEDIUMTEXT"
                    | "LONGTEXT"
                    | "TINYBLOB"
                    | "MEDIUMBLOB"
                    | "BLOB"
                    | "LONGBLOB";
                    nullable: boolean;
                    [key: string]: unknown;
                result: {
                    code?: number;
                    databases?: string[];
                    end_ms?: number;
                    latency?: string;
                    limit?: number;
                    message?: string;
                    row_affect?: number;
                    row_count?: number;
                    start_ms?: number;
                    [key: string]: unknown;
                rows: {
                    collection_names?: string;
                    contributor_logins?: string;
                    description?: string;
                    forks?: string;
                    primary_language?: string;
                    pull_requests?: string;
                    pushes?: string;
                    repo_id?: string;
                    repo_name?: string;
                    stars?: string;
                    total_score?: string;
            type: "sql_endpoint";